Featured Products
Our Featured Products are primed for maximum impact and performance.
Featured Products will maximize your product reach accross multiple placements and search. Increasing your product visibility optimizes the performance. Boost your product exposure!
Promote to the people that really matter and sell your product or service faster. The more you buy, the larger the discount.
Key Features:
- Products stay live for 90 days to maximize opportunity to reach new customers.
- Ability to include a detailed description with 360 degree view of the product
- Freedom to update your product at any time, free of charge
- Product will be automatically refreshed (moves product to top of listings) every week
- Add a link to your youtube video. Use this as an opportunity to provide more information and drive traffic
- Product displayed in a designated area, giving more prominent visibility
- Access to a dedicated account manager to assist you with your posting needs
- No limit on number of products per month
- Access to Buynuse Analytics to track performance and history
One Featured Product = One Credit
*One Credit Expires in 365 Days